PlayDead's Limbo Coming To PlayStation Vita — Will Not Feature Touch Controls

Limbo coming to PlayStation Vita
PlayDead's side-scrolling puzzle and adventure game, Limbo will be coming over to the PlayStation Vita. However, according to Playdead CEO Dino Patti, it won't feature touch controls. More details after the jump!

The game will be a straight port and aims to deliver the original experience.

"We're not using any touch. We didn't feel it would suit Limbo at all," he explained. "It would feel like a patch if we did it. And we really like the original experience. The Vita allows you to have the original experience. 

"It would require a lot from us to rethink the game. We would probably make another game if we were going to do that. Vita was a no-brainer because we could keep the same experience. It has all of these great features, but we didn't have to use them."

PlayDead is in collaboration and working closely with LittleBigPlanet PS Vita developer, Double Eleven.

"We work really close together with them. They work with our sound designer to make the audio work correctly. They're definitely doing the heavy lifting on this, but it's not hands-off or anything."

Patti said that since they don't introduce anything new, they don't expect players who have played the game before to buy the game again on the Vita. He said that this is primarily for a new market.

There is no set release date announced so far but Limbo for the PlayStation Vita is set to come out this year as a PlayStation Network download.

Source: Eurogamer

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