Register To PlayStation Plus Using Your PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Plus
Wondering how to register on PlayStation Plus using your PlayStation Vita? Here are some easy-to-follow steps to start getting discounts and free Vita games!

There are many perks for subscribing to PlayStation Plus and one of them is getting free games every month. The games aren't alway AAA, but most are quite decent. Also, if you don't have much games or you just bought your Vita, you get an instant game collection. For games on sale, Plus members also get some good discounts. PlayStation Plus is even more worth the buck if you have a PS3, but it's not required.

To subscribe to PlayStation Plus, simply follow the steps below.
There are many perks for subscribing to PlayStation Plus and one of them is getting free games every month.
  1. Launch PlayStation Store
  2. Make sure your account is funded for at least $50 or $20.
  3. Look for the PlayStation Plus icon in one of the scrolling pictures
  4. On top of a list of games, there should be another PlayStation Plus icon, with no pricing
  5. Once you clicked that icon, you'll be presented with two options
    • $49.99 for 1 year membership
    • $17.99 for 3 month membership
  6. Say you clicked on 1 year membership, on the next screen, click on the orange "Buy Now" button
  7. The next screen will show you some sort of invoice, with how much you'll spend and how much will be left in your credit. Click "Confirm Purchase".
  8. Voila! You are now a PlayStation Plus member! You should be getting a thank you message and an option whether to share the activity with your friends or not. It's up to you what to do from this point on!
A short note on free games and cross-buy games before we end. Some games disappear after a certain period, so make sure you download them at least once using your PlayStation Vita or the web store. Also, games that you downloaded for free will disappear if your subscription expires. To avoid this, make sure to either set your Plus subscription to auto-renew.

Another thing is that downloading games via webstore or Vita, if you downloaded a cross-buy game on the PS3, the webstore/Vita will not allow you to purchase it again. Instead, you have to go through your download list, as it's already been added, and download it from there.

Did this guide help you? If you have more questions, just ask away by leaving a comment below!


  1. The only disadvantage is the vita games are only rented? correct me If I am wrong?

  2. They are yours for as long as you're subscribed. The games you buy at a discount, you fully own even after your subscription expires.

  3. thank you for the birthday greetings, I am the GADGET BOI at your forum, I see, so is it true that online gaming required PS plus now?

  4. Ah, so that was you! Unfortunately, the forums will be closing soon, but the blog is here to stay.

    PS Plus will be required on PS4, but I think not on the PS Vita. Or maybe it will in the future, but not yet.
